Our Vision
To be the premier privately owned holistic financial services firm in Australia.
We are a trusted team that families turn to for all their financial matters.
We know our family clients better than all other advisers, with long-term, helpful and proactive ongoing relationships.
We work together as a team across our multiple service offerings (Wealth, Lending, Accounting and Insurance), to give our clients confidence and freedom to spend time on the important things.
We call this Clarity, Certainty and Control.
Most of our clients introduce their friends and family to us for financial services. Who do you know that can benefit from the services of McQueen?
~ Celebrating 30 years ~
It goes without saying that we can access great rates and great lending products to meet your needs.
Our point of difference is ensuring your debt is structured with the future in mind; we will consider your existing financial strategy and tax effectiveness of your debt to ensure the most efficient outcomes for your needs.
Do you want to see if you can meet your financial targets?
We will create a personalised financial model that graphically illustrates your financial pathway.
This long-term visualisation will assist in decision making by demonstrating the impact of each financial decision you make.
Illness, injury or other constricting factors posing threat to your wage and dependant lifestyle choices can be mitigated through income protection. Our team is here to escort you through servicing income insurance, ultimately maximising your ability to maintain financial independence, pay off a mortgage or even support your family.
In this age of information, there are almost infinite avenues available when it comes to investment.
How do you cut through all the noise to construct the most appropriate portfolio of assets to meet your needs?
Our experienced team has access to world leading research and fund managers that we can utilise to create the best investment solutions for you.
How many times have you ever executed something perfectly the first time you attempted it? We have planned and executed countless retirements and know exactly how to give you confidence in taking that enormous step in life. Superannuation is a tax vehicle that is very useful in planning for retirement, but what is the best way to navigate through the ever-changing landscape of super? How should you administer your funds (industry, retail, self-managed)?
This is a large part of your Plan B.
While it is not a fun topic to discuss, having a Plan B is a critical foundation to your financial success.
We will walk you through the process of identifying your Estate Planning needs; Wills, Power of Attorney, Letter of Wishes, buy-sell agreements etc., help you to decide who best to nominate for these trusted roles and appoint an appropriate law firm to ensure your needs are met.
The discussion of aged care can be a sensitive and complicated topic for families. Our specialised and experienced team understand the intricacies of the aged care system and are here to guide you through navigating the options.
Having a good Accounting team is so much more than completing a tax return and having your compliance documents lodged on time. Whilst we do those things with great skill, we also offer advice on your structuring (trusts, SMSF, company etc.), Chief Financial Officer services to businesses, strategic business planning, management reporting and bookkeeping.
Business, Car, Home, Boat insurance; too busy to ensure you are getting the best deal and reading the fine print to ensure you are receiving quality cover?
Speak with our General Insurance Team to ensure you have quality, cost-effective policies in place.
The cornerstone of your Plan B. What happens if something unexpected happens to you or a family member? How will you continue to live the life you planned to live? Will lack of money stand in your way?
We have a specialist team experienced in understanding your personal needs and putting together the most appropriate insurance strategy to meet your needs and budget. There are many things that can stop you from living the life you want to lead; we ensure that when a crisis occurs, you are well- funded so you can focus on what is most important.
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No two clients are alike.
We are here as the Conductor to guide your personal Orchestra to play great music.
We’ve developed a simple philosophy to help you protect, manage and grow your wealth.
We call it Clarity, Certainty & Control.